Environmental Professionals Providing Personalized Environmental Solutions
Air Quality

Spectrum specializes in all areas of air quality permitting and compliance and strives to offer each client personalized solutions to their facility, state, or federal air quality concerns. Spectrum’s air quality professionals dedicate themselves to providing cost-effective and timely work to our industrial, commercial, and government clients to assist them with their permitting, ongoing compliance, routine reporting, and other air quality issues.
Environmental Planning

Our environmental planning services include National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance, performing Phase I and Environmental Site Assessment (ESAs), developing Environmental Management Systems (EMSs), meeting Forest Resource Ordinance (FRO) requirements, performing wetland/forest stand delineations, environmental siting studies, and environmental permitting feasibility studies.
Environmental Compliance

Environmental regulations provide environmental compliance requirements covering the environmental media of air, land, and water. These environmental regulations have applicable emission limits, monitoring, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements. Spectrum provides services associated with meeting these requirements to assure your facility stays in compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements.
Waste Management

The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste permitting program was developed to ensure the safe treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous wastes by establishing specific requirements that must be followed when managing those wastes. Spectrum assists its clients with Permits for the treatment, storage, or disposal of hazardous wastes.
Water Quality

Our services include physical inspection, sampling and analysis of soils, groundwater and water for contamination in compliance with regulatory protocol. We assist our client's in developing and gathering technical data; conducting investigations, inventories, audits and surveys; preparing documentation and filing of permits with various federal, state and local governments.
Program Support

Spectrum’s staff is extremely knowledgeable of State and Federal requirements for a variety of industrial, commercial and government facilities. Spectrum can provide both on-site and off-site environmental program support to existing environmental facility personnel. Some of our services include assisting with sampling, training, monitoring, record keeping, testing, and reporting requirements, as necessary.

Spectrum offers highly personalized environmental management solutions including air quality, environmental compliance, environmental permitting, environmental management systems, environmental compliance audits, and air pollution control technology assessments to our commericial and government clients.