Water Quality
Spectrum specializes in all areas of water quality permitting and compliance, and strives to offer each of our clients personalized solutions to meet their facility water quality needs. Spectrum’s water quality professionals dedicate themselves to providing a cost-effective and timely work product to our industrial, commercial, and government clients to assist them with their permitting, ongoing compliance, routine reporting, and other water quality issues. We work closely with our clients to prepare complete and technically defensible permit applications, plans, draft permits, inventories, and reports. Spectrum staff also have extensive knowledge of applicable local, state, and federal water quality regulatory requirements and wide-ranging experience in successful negotiations with regulatory agencies across the United States. Spectrum has expertise in a wide variety of industries, including Portland cement, steel, aluminum, paint, mining, ports, transportation, nuclear power production, and natural gas and coal power production. Detailed information about the specific water quality related services that we offer can be found below.

Planning and Water Quality Permitting
Spectrum assists clients to meet their water quality permitting, inspection, and operation regulatory requirements. Our experience includes performing these services for the following industrial sectors: for heavy industry, construction, chemical manufacturing, and cement manufacturing. These services have also been provided to other commercial and government clients. Spectrum has the available expertise to develop your notice of intent (NOI) for construction or industrial activity. We have the skills necessary to complete your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) in accordance with local, state and federal requirements. Spectrum can provide quarterly and annual sampling, inspection and reporting services as well to maintain compliance with the NOI and SWPPP requirements. In addition to stormwater, Spectrum can facilitate other water quality permitting and planning including:
Industrial pre-treatment permits
Discharge monitoring sampling and reporting
Surface and groundwater monitoring, analysis and reporting
Impervious surface area assessment
Environmental Restoration Plans

Water Appropriations Permitting
The use of surface or groundwater is critical to the operation of the facility from the health of the employee to the development of the product for sale. Spectrum can assist clients with the development of the proper water appropriation permits to ensure proper allocation of water withdrawal to meet the needs of a facility. If the water appropriation includes groundwater, Spectrum can assist in the development of a groundwater protection plan to ensure the needs of a facility and the surrounding community are met.
SPCC Plans
Spectrum has highly experienced staff in the development of Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) plans for a vast array of clientele including construction, heavy industrial, commercial, and government agencies. Development of an SPCC Plan is critical to prevent and minimize the potential of oil discharges into water of the U.S. and State. Spectrum provides comprehensive site assessment services to define oil storage locations, other potential oil pollution sources, sensitive resources and stormwater/spill drainage paths. A SPCC Plan is developed based on the site-specific characteristics that meet the needs of the client and to ensure limited impact to operations of a facility.